HPE PCBE and Simplivity NFR Cashback Program for Distributors


Step 1: Program Registration

Register for the program today!

HPE PCBE and Simplivity NFR Cashback Program for Distributors

Steps to claiming your reward

  • Purchase your demonstration product between 01-11-2024  and   31-10-2025 and register within this promotion period.
  • After approval through HPE, you will get an email with link for finalizing your registration.
  • When product has been received, open link from email, insert product details and upload invoice.
  • Finalize registration by accepting T&Cs.
  • After some days, you will receive an email with cashback codes and instructions for registering products you have sold.
  • After a product has been sold, claim the cashback for the sold product. One cashback code can be used for one product. Follow the instructions in Email with cashback codes.
  • The cashback is transferred to you within days after registration of sold product.
  • Register next sold products by using the next cashback code till no further cashback code is available.


In order to protect the security of your data, registration is time limited (5 minutes) so we recommend that you have all details at hand before starting:

  1. Registration to participate providing following details:
    - Product price
    - OGP Number, Quote ID, Offer ID
    - Personal Details
    - VAT ID
    - Partner ID
  2. Registration will be reviewed by HPE. After approval the participant receives an email with a link to register the unit
  3. Register unit
    - Serial Number of unit
    - Invoice Number of unit
    - Invoice Copy of unit
  4. The participant receives an email with up to 3 promo codes to claim the cashback of the unit (limited to Rs. 31,53,750.00 max). Each sellout should be registered for each promo code.
  5. Claim Cashback per sold unit (via mail instructions)
    - Purchase Date
    - Product Price
    - Serial Number of Sellout unit
    - Invoice Number of sellout unit
    - Bank details (Account Number, IBAN, SWIFT)
    - Invoice Copy of Sellout unit

* = required field