HPE Moneyland for HPE Alletra Storage MP, Private Cloud Business Edition (PCBE) and Simplivity


23.850 PLN Storage Trade-Ins!
HPE Alletra Storage MP, PCBE oder Simplivity.

Purchase your new HPE Alletra Storage MP, PCBE or Simplivity project storage environment valued at a minimum of 238.500 PLN including subscription and service. You receive up to 23.850 PLN reimbursement for your end-of-life Enterprise Storage Array.

HPE will also take care of the free pick-up and safe recycling of your old device.
Regardless of the manufacturer or the age of your old storage system, HPE will reimburse you 23.850 PLN.

Returned products are eligible if they are complete and functional, match the product category or intended use of the new HPE product, and have been in the possession of the end customer for at least 6 months prior to application.

Not-for-Resale-systems and participating arrays in the NFR cashback programs are excluded.

HPE Moneyland for HPE Alletra Storage MP, Private Cloud Business Edition (PCBE) and Simplivity

HPE Moneyland for HPE Alletra Storage MP, Private Cloud Business Edition (PCBE) and Simplivity

How does the program work?

  • The reseller prepares a non-binding offer and applies for participation on behalf of the end customer.
  • The list of eligible HPE products.
  • Select the new HPE products available for purchase and then the used products to receive a no obligation quote.
  • Enter the HPE Deal ID or Quote Number and submit the request to HPE for approval.
  • After the order is delivered, approved requests can be completed by the beneficiary and submitted to HPE as an order to pick up the used equipment and pay the rebate.
  • To do this, you will need the HPE product details (serial numbers, product numbers, invoice number) and some information about the used products (dimensions and weights).
  • Enter the pickup address, and if applicable, any special instructions to be considered for the pickup.
  • A copy of the customer invoice must be uploaded.
  • If the dealer is to receive payment, a Transfer of Ownership document must also be uploaded.
  • Read and accept the Terms & conditions and submit the application.
  • Upon successful review of your application, you will be contacted by the contracted carrier to coordinate the pickup date.
  • After receipt of the old equipment specified in the order at the Processing Center, payment will be made to the bank account specified in the application.

What you will need

In order to protect the security of your data, registration is time limited (5 minutes) so we recommend that you have all details at hand before starting:

  • to submit an application to participate
    • Active HPE Offer ID or Deal ID
    • New HPE product
    • Return product, Model
  • to raise a request for restitution
    • New HPE Product (invoice, serial number)
    • Return product (brand, dimensions, weights)
    • Bank details
    • Pickup address, site contact email address


Every customer must download the Self-billing Agreement from the HPE website, fill it out in its entirety, sign it and send back. Documents which are incomplete, unfilled, and/or unsigned will not be processed, and all applicable orders will be automatically canceled.


* = required field